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Extensive global research and evidence over the last 26 years confirms our  8 Science of Success* principles.


* ixler8 believe there are 8 key plus 2 all encompassing components that are common to successful people.


Without each key component working at optimum, this will have a devastating effect on you, your team and your business performance.


Causes and their effect, at a deep level, form the foundation of our work.

Anchor 1


There is plenty of evidence that can now tell us there is direct link between health and human performance.


The ''physical health'' component is a highly complex one and as more research emerges to confirm the real extent of the mind-body link. This component remains one of your biggest barometers in life.


Scientists now know that a route cause created in the mind, can and does trigger physical symptoms. So what you think, can and does have an effect on your health. In addition symptoms in the body can be quickly altered by a change in attitude in the mind. 



Work is the foundation of our lives so the alignment in the ''career'' component is critical for us to stay on track. 


Any gap in ''career'' can have a significant knock on effect on others and remains a priority throughout our programme.


Our personal brand mapping process will enable you to explore all future career options and possibilities whatever and wherever they may be from the comfort of your own arm chair.


Understanding the science behind your success so far will enable further clarity on any decisions going forward.


''Relationships'' and as a result networking has become one of the biggest components for success over recent times.


Lack of understanding of others can bring down businesses, governments, countries as we have seen over the last decade.


Understanding yourself more and your ''relationship'' style also those of others can have a great influence your continued success.


This component is not indulgent and a soft subject, it is now a necessity for business.  

Anchor 2


We all know ''exercise'' is good and we know it is the endorphines and chemicals that are produced in our bodies when exercising that gives us the feel good factor.


This affects and stimulates the mind and can make our decision making clearer. It is scientifically proven that exercising gives us a greater sense of wellbeing and enables us to achieve even better results in our lives overall.


Understanding more about this component could enable us live longer, reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and in addition, many other ailments that affect health, therefore success.



Understanding your ''leadership'' component is key to your success and a style that has worked well in the past may not serve you well now or going forward in the future.


Knowing your preferred ''leadership'' preferences mapped against your current and future challenges, understanding other peoples style that may be different to yours and if appropriate, what you are like as a surbordinate can be career changing.


The level of behavioural sophistication necessary to remain a high achiever is enormous so using the latest tools and techniques throughout our process will continue to give you the edge.


Life Purpose

We believe this is an evolutionary core component and vital for sustained success. ''Life purpose'' is rarely addressed, known about or even understood, certainly in a business context.


Having information and wisdom on this higher level thinking beyond ourselves, how we fit into our world, how we can make a difference by contributing our uniqueness, allows our success to have greater meaning.


Knowing more about this component early on in our careers and lives enables purer clarity and ease through life.


Anchor 3


Science tell us that food can affect our mood and what we eat can affect our decision making, mood swings, feelings and more importantly health and longevity of life.


''Nutrition'' is a foundation component in all our lives and success in particular can be affected by what we eat. It is the fuel we put in our body that impacts how much energy we can access and our ability to adapt to change.


Alcohol and drugs are also included in this component so its not just food. We know these 2 elements alone, together or separately can have a devastating effect on success.


''Sleep'' is a vital for life not just sustaining success. According to the latest research, the brain itself requires sleep to cleanse the build up of toxic substances.


Many scientists believe irregular sleeping patterns lead to illnesses ranging from aches and pains to actual heart disease. It is also believed that less than eight hours sleep a night can lower the following days IQ.


The science behind ''sleep'' and its importance in success continues to emerge and may yet be still underestimated.

Anchor 4


A large number of other components feed into what we call ''energy''.


Overall success depends on the severity of each gap of alignment for each component.


Gaps that affect ''energy'' can impact sustained success as low ''energy'' for any length of time could have a lasting and damaging effect if ignored.


Low ''energy'' is a self barometer, a white flag to yourself that something needs addressing.


What causes ''stress'' in each one of us can often be attributed to our personality styles.


Having real stress for any length of time if acute can be a potential killer. When the body’s main ''stress'' hormone cortisol is released into the body this chemical can affect us.


Symptoms include, as a third of our brain shutting down, the impairment and inability to make decisions and part of our immune system shuts off where we can attract illness.


Route causes of stress are real to each person.


Once identified, tools and techniques can be used to control this debilitating behaviour.


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